Its areas of expertise and responsibility include the security of computer applications, critical infrastructure protection, Internet security, cryptography, counter eavesdropping, certification of security products and the accreditation of security test laboratories. It is located in Bonn and has over 600 employees.

Keepass Keepass security vulnerabilities, exploits, metasploit modules, vulnerability statistics and list of versions Vulnerability statistics provide a quick overview for security vulnerabilities of this software. Any use of this information is at the user's risk. It is the responsibility of … Hacking tool swipes encrypted credentials from password Using a password manager is one of the biggest ways that average computer users can keep their online accounts secure, but their protection is pretty much meaningless when an end user's computer is How safe are password managers like LastPass We investigate the security design and implementation of these two BCPMs with the focus on their underlying cryptographic mechanisms. We identify several critical, high, and medium risk level vulnerabilities that could be exploited by different types of attackers to break the security …

According to security researcher Florian Bogner, KeePass uses unencrypted HTTP requests when retrieving updates (as well as a few other tasks). This makes it possible for an attacker to introduce a

KeePass Password Safe - Joinup The objective of this code review is to examine the KeePass Password Safe software, focusing mainly on its security aspects, the risk that they pose to its users and the integrity and confidentiality of the data contained within. KeePass is a free and open source software tool that helps manage passwords in a … KeePass Review - How Safe is This Password Manager in 2020 Mar 31, 2020

As others have noted, KeePass's encryption is not the weak spot, key management is. Is the data that might be put at risk with the compromise of those things in your KeePass db valuable enough to warrant the Amazon compute time it would take to crack your password?

KeePass2 v 2.34 to fix update security problem | Hacker News Allowing these type of programs to autonotify of updates and self-update should be considered bad practice and a high security risk. Why risk a malicious MITM-ed update? The keepass site should just provide portable zips and off-site hashes and sigs for verification. Applications are … Using Your YubiKey with KeePass : Yubico Support Introduction. This article covers two methods for using YubiKeys with the KeePass password manager: HMAC-SHA1 Challenge-Response and OATH-HOTP. HMAC-SHA1 is recommended over OATH-HOTP because of its ease-of-use, as well as its ability to be backed up (it is not possible to have a backup YubiKey when OATH-HOTP is used). 【悲報】KeePassのスマホとクラウド同期は安全ではない