Middlemans CS:GO is hosted by the non-profit Online Fraud Prevention Foundation and is not affiliated with Valve in any way. Fees for our middleman services are tips. The general rule of tipping is 5% or more of the total amount.

MIDDLEMAN/MODERATOR LIST | Skial MIDDLEMAN/MODERATOR LIST This is updated middleman list who you can trust approved by 500k reddit trading group Make sure you are not dealing with the impersonator !!! click links below Presenting the Best G3SG1 Skins in 2020 - SkinWallet | CS:GO May 22, 2020

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secure trading of CS:GO Steam community market weapons without a trusted third-party middleman steam steam-api ethereum-dapp chainlink steam-trading chainlink-adapter 254 commits CS:GO - Argvendo Trading has 29,791 members. Rules: 1. Spam = 2 weeks ban 2. Scamming = Permanent ban (report scam posts, so we can see it - we are not Sep 15, 2009 · Don't Cut Out the Middleman--Become One immediate feedback from users and ample advertising opportunities from the niche market make being a go-between a field ripe for startups. May 22, 2020 · This Gunsmith finish is an interesting one since it’s designed around the idea of scavenging for replacement parts and is one of the few skins in CS:GO to actually tell a story. The description tells us that originally green, the weapon then became a hodgepodge of scavenged elements (hence the name!) including a warning sign and a Tomato can.

The 'Trusted Mode' will restrict third-party applications from interacting with CS:GO. The ‘Trusted Launch’ option which had gone into beta testing two weeks back has finally been launched by Valve for everyone. CS:GO developers in recent time have been pumping out quite a lot of optional changes for the game to combat various issues like

CS:GO Buy/Sell/Trade has 29,202 members. Group Rules 1. Spam = 2 week ban 2. Scamming = pernamently ban (report scam posts, so we can see it - we are Please note that here at CS:GO Rep, we want the most secure trading sessions as possible. None of our middlemen have not scammed anyone, ever. All of our middlemen are to be recording every session as if anything does go wrong, we have all the proof necessary to report the issue. Jan 23, 2020 · While the middleman is holding the items, person B sends their part of the trade over to person A. Once that is complete, the middleman sends person A's items over to person B. If you require a middleman for paypal or any other transaction that may come across, please refer to the trusted reddit middlemans below for help!